Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Meeting The Neighbors

One of the greatest things about our new home here at Water Valley is that we live adjacent to several small villages. These small compounds house many of the workers that are employed by the farmers we rent from. Our proximity to these communities has allowed for some amazing encounters and opportunities to release His Kingdom into their impoverished lives.

A few weeks ago Luke went to visit the farm manger. Upon arriving in Oswalt's house he noticed a sick little boy lying lifeless on the couch. The couple shared with Luke that this little boy was their nephew and had suddenly fallen sick with a high fever. Luke said a quick prayer, visited for a while and returned home. A couple days later Oswalt shared with Brent Roberts that the boy woke up completely healed the next morning.

More recently Elise and some of our kids took the opportunity to visit with some of the workers that live directly behind our house. It was an such an blessing just to sit, talk and pray with these new neighbors of ours. As stated before......our property is formally known as Water Valley......keep praying that this name would become synonymous with the spiritual refreshment our families are called to release in this place!

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