Thursday, April 26, 2012


(That dark blob on the tree branch is about 2000 bees clinging to one another)
This past week we spotted a large bee hive in the tree above the Lapa (thatched hut) we are building. So after seeking wisdom from our farmer friends around us, they advised us to burn it down. So one of our brave workers Lloyd, geared up with Brent’s motorcycle helmet, Luke’s gardening gloves and his blue work suit and headed up the tree. The guys fashioned a long pole attached with towels soaked in gasoline at the end for him to hold in order to reach the bees way up in the tree! The bees were killed/dispersed but a few hours later made their new home in OUR ROOF! Today Luke went and bought poison in town and hopefully tonight when they are sleeping we can get rid of them all!

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