Monday, September 17, 2012

Disciple Ship (Part 1)

 For the last six days Brent and Luke joined a team of men from England, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia on a outreach trip on Lake Kariba. The lake lies between Zambia and Zimbabwe and is so large it is classified as an inland sea. Before the lake was dammed the land beneath it was home to the Tonga peoples. The tribe is now separated by this massive body of water and all along its banks exist small remote fishing villages.

The focus of the trip was to conduct outreach in two strategic villages through the showing of the Jesus Film as well as preaching and baptizing of new believers. The team boarded a large boat appropriately named Disciple Ship and set out to see the Kingdom advanced in these very unreached villages. This vessel is maintained by Bruce and Sue Douglas of Zimbabwe and is regularly used to conduct ministry in these otherwise hard to reach areas.

The Tonga are a people that are steeped in witchcraft and very much controlled and oppressed by a spirit of fear and tradition. The trip produced many testimonies of God's power overcoming the darkness that tightly grips these peoples. Stay tuned as we will have a series of posts details the trips events............

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Can't wait to hear more. So blessed to follow your journey.