Thursday, March 15, 2012

Using What’s In Our Hands

Do you remember the story in 2 Kings 4 where Elisha helps the poor widow and her sons? In that story he instructs her, “Tell me, what you have in the house”. One of the lessons God has been teaching us over these past few weeks is to become more aware of the many opportunities He has placed in our hand to advance His Kingdom. Too often, we have found ourselves consumed with planning on how we are going to reach out to the masses of unreached peoples here in Southern Zambia. Yet, God has positioned us in a place where the opportunities to expose people to His Glory exists just outside our back door. In essence, He is asking us “What do you have in your hands?”

For example, Kerri and Elise have continued to conduct a Bible Study with some of the women that work on our property. We also have been introduced to eight young men that we employ to help with the development of Water Valley (the name of the piece of property where we live). Pray for wisdom as we invest in the lives of these individuals and expose them to Glory of our Heavenly Father.


The Lion Lady said...

I love seeing all that you are doing and all the improvements I can hardly wait to come and visit again!! many blessings to you , your family and everyone you come into contact with!! xxoo

The Lion Lady said...

Sharon Lyon

Unknown said...

Thanks for your faithfulness in regular posts - it's wonderful to hear what you are doing, and the reminder of how easy we have it with Wal*Mart. I pray your garden and the relationships it cultivates will be fruitful in so many ways. Blessings, Marshall