Tuesday, March 13, 2012


One of the foundational pillars of our agricultural program, Farming God’s Way, is teaching Zambians to look at what God has given them in creation. As they look at the great provision the Father has provided for them in creation we then attempt to encourage them to become good stewards of whatever He has placed in their hands. Recently, we shared these principles during the assembling of a compost pile to help fertilize the garden we previously blogged about. Fertilizer is an essential input into realizing a profitable harvest, but for many Zambians the cost involved in purchasing chemical fertilizers is beyond the means they have available to them. Our exercise proved that God had provided all the materials they needed to produce a comparable and organic solution to this issue……compost.

During the exercise we took brown material (cut dead or during the winter months), green material (cut green or during the summer months) and manure. We then constructed a pile that was nearly 8 feet wide and deep and almost 5 feet high. In eight weeks this pile should provide enough plant food to sustain an area roughly the size of an acre.

Pray that these types of outreaches would not only help provide tools in assisting Zambians to overcome the oppression of physical poverty, but more importantly teach them the principles to deal with the depravity of their spiritual poverty as well.

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