Tuesday, July 14, 2009

June 16th

Dear Family and Friends,

This week has been so crazy for us. YES, we are moving for the fourth time since our arrival in Feb. 2007! Monday we moved from our house in Woodlands to a home that is closer to our fellow teammates. This house in Roma was previously lived in by our team mates the Melville's who have gone back to the states after 2 years of service. We were sad to see them leave but so glad that we can be closer to our other team mates that live in the neighborhood and have a little more space for our family. The move went smoothly and we are so grateful for our dear Zambian friends that helped us "shift" as they would say! You will see in the pictures included that the moving truck is not quite the same as in the states. You can imagine all the stuff on the back of the truck and then two men sitting on top of all the stuff. Everything made it to the new house safe and sound and now we are just organizing our brains out. The kids are just grateful that they get the week off from school!!!

Last week we shared about our visit to Great Commission Baptist Church and the thanksgiving service we attended. We have included some pictures of the small school room they rent out and all the Zambians jammed inside worshipping together. It was a wonderful service and we want you to get a glimpse of what a typical Sunday service looks like!

Hope you enjoy the pictures! Thanks for all your prayers during this first month. It has gone by so fast and been a whirlwind. We love and miss you all.

Elise and Luke Whitfiled and kids!

Great Commission Baptist Church

Our Old House

Moving Day

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