Thursday, December 6, 2007

Something About Mary

(Elise and Mary at EFH)
Mary Tembo, is a 6 year old child in crisis that spent a long time in the care of Emanuael Family Home, which is the orphanage our family works with. Mary’s story is one that has gripped our heart almost since our arrival. This little girl is HIV positive, through birth, yet the doctors are amazed at her resiliency. She is not a true orphan, as her mother is still alive, but the care her mother can afford to give her is minimal at best

(Mrs. Tembo, Mary and Emmanuel)

A couple of months ago Mary’s mother decided to request custody of Mary and her little brother Emmanuel which she was awarded. This was a bitter sweet moment as we were saddened by Mary and Emmanuel’s departure but glad to see them re-united with there biological mother. The tricky part is that Mary’s mom, who has AIDS as well, cannot even care for her self let alone two children. After receiving some alarming reports about Mary and Emmanuel’s conditions, losing weight and continual sickness, we decided to sit down and talk with Mrs. Tembo
(The kids with their friends: Chi Chi, Gift, Sylvia, Mary and Emmanuel)

Our hope was to find a way to get Mary’s and Emmanuel back in the care of the home while moving the mother closer to the orphanage so she will be regularly involved in their lives. We have challenged the elders, at the Brethren church where EFH is located, to petition the local body and see if anyone can assist Mrs. Tembo with a place to stay and possibly a job

(Mary, What a smile!!)

Please pray for this situation as this would be a great opportunity for this church to grow and begin supporting from within it own membership. This is a goal we have been working with the leaders on for quite some time!

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