Friday, October 19, 2007

Got Faith?

Two weeks ago during my weekly Wednesday women’s Bible study I was challenged and thought that I would share it with you. The faith of my friend Joyce brought me to tears as I shared her situation with Luke. This small worn woman has 5 children and no husband to be found. Each child has a different father and each father has had a different reason for leaving Joyce and her children. She likes to cut and style hair so she has used her talent to provide a small but inconsistent living. She was just kicked out of her 2-room home and was left in the bush with only a prayer to keep her going. She sat on the floor of her home as she was gathering her belongings to move and she cried and prayed to God for a home to keep her children safe. Later that day a friend told her of a one-room home with no roof that she could move into. She was grateful but a little saddened by its condition. She also explained to me that she had been told that there was a lot of witchcraft going on in that area. The neighbors warned her of a huge snake that had been seen and that it would swallow up her children in the night. She knew this was from Satan to try to steal her joy and her home from her again. She decided not to let Satan discourage her and scare her but moved into the home with faith and confidence in God her provider.
The first night she lay on the floor with her children all asleep around her and looked up at the stars and thanked God for his provision and prayed for protection over her family. Over the next few days the children were very sick with malaria from all the mosquitoes at night, but she was thankful for no snake attack. Joyce’s faith was so strong as she shared her story with me. As I was listening to her I was reminded that this is life here in Zambia. She is grateful for what little she has and believes in God for her daily bread and protection. I was challenged by her trust and reliance in Christ. I had to ask myself the question: would I react the same way in her situation? Am I so quick to complain about my problems? And they aren’t even half as bad or desperate as Joyce’s problems. I thank God for these women that He has brought into my path. They have shown me, very practically what a deeper reliance on Christ looks like.
The next day after hearing this story, we had our first rainfall in over 7 months. I woke up praying for Joyce and that God would provide for her and her kids during the storm. I wished that I could help her, but new that only God could provide at that moment. The next week I told her I was praying for her during the storm and I asked her how everything was going. It was a blessing to hear that my prayers had been answered even at 3am in the morning. The neighbor invited Joyce and her kids to come inside their home and they put up a temporary tarp on the small house as soon as the storm passed. God is our provider! I am so thankful that He has made himself so faithful to Joyce. She was so thankful for my prayers and a little taken back that I had remembered her that early in the morning!!!! Only God gets the praise and glory!!!! Soon we hope to help her put a new roof on her home and love on her the best we know how. I hope that you are challenged by Joyce’s faith like I have been and I hope to share more of what God continues to do in her life. God bless all of you and may God show himself more real to you every day as you rely on Him more and more!!!
God is Good Always,

Ps—As promised long ago we finally have our blog up and running. We are hoping to keep written updates, along with pictures, posted on a regular basis. Click to included address to view:

1 comment:

Poppa Drew said...

A simple example of faith shown by a sister in Christ in Africa who has next to nothing but her relationship with our Lord. Yet we struggle with funding our retirerment accounts. My God continue to bless your efforts.
Love Always,