Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Back for 3 weeks!

We have been back here in Zambia for three weeks today! It is great to be back, but it has taken some time to get back into the swing of things. Our bodies have adjusted back to the time zone but are still getting used to the different food and water!!! The weather has been beautiful and sunny and we are enjoying the 80 degrees winter weather!!

We are in the process of moving into a new home and we are excited to be finally done with packing and unpacking that we have done since December! We are only moving across town about 15min but we will be closer to teammates and have more room for our family.

We have been so blessed to see our Zambian friends here and get reconnected with them. We attended Great Commission Baptist Church this past Sunday for their 2 year celebration service. This is the church that we have worked with very closely over the last year and a half or so. We loved seeing all the familiar faces and were so encouraged.

Not only has the church grown but there are now two discipleship groups that are up and going since we left in December. They have also started an AWANA children's program! This is an answer to prayer to see this small congregation understanding what it is to further God's kingdom and equipping the new and growing believers there. Praise God. Luke and teammate Brent Roberts will continue to encourage the leaders and train them further over the next couple of years. Kerri (Brent's wife)and I had the opportunity to sing with our 5 kids on Sunday morning. It was so fun to share in the thanksgiving service and we are so thankful for all that God has done and will continue to do these next couple of years. We look forward to partnering with other churches and seeing what God has in store!

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and encouragement. Being back in Zambia really feels great and we really feel we belong here. Of course there are more rats, bugs, and daily challenges, but we are so grateful to be back!

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