Saturday, September 13, 2008

Zambia Update

Just a quick update to keep you all current with what is going on over here in Lusaka with the Whitfield family. Things are going well and we continue to see God opening doors for new opportunities in ministry. Luke continues to go and do hospital visitations with members from local churches here. A couple of weeks ago he had the privilege of serving a young boy name Enzo and his family. Enzo’s family are Tonga people and come from an extremely remote and rural area in Southeastern Zambia. Enzo, who is five years old, has a very noticeable heart murmur (you can hear it when you are standing close to him) and has not received any medical treatment for his condition until recently. He was seen by a cardiologist but unfortunately there was no diagnosis or prescription given for his treatment (medical care here can be such a joke). Because of this large hole in his heart, Enzo is mostly lethargic and does not exhibit the normal energy level of a five year old. We prayed with Enzo and his uncle for the complete healing of his heart condition and were amazed when we came back the next day to find him running around the ward. He still has the murmur, but we continue to believe that God will, bit by bit, heal this little boy’s condition so that he may sing of the goodness of our God forever. Would you join us in asking the Lord for Enzo’s complete healing!

Luke will also be going, tomorrow, to visit with the head chaplain of prisons here in Zambia. This could be a huge opportunity and we would ask that you would continue to pray that God would give AZ favor with this gentleman tomorrow. Luke also had the opportunity this past week to preach at the church of our good friend Rev. Colins Chipaya (this is the third week in a row that Luke has preached and he stated that he has a new found respect for all you pastors who do this full-time!!).

On a completely separate note we find the seasons changing and the heat beginning to rise. With the increase in temperature comes the increase of bugs (mostly cockroaches). We have included some pics, for your viewing pleasure, which were taken outside in our septic tank. The sighting of these fine specimens means that inevitably we will be seeing these beauties in our house real soon!

Finally, for those of you keeping up on the development of Tazi she has finally reached the point where the supplementation of food is require for here appeasement. We have started to test out different variety of foods, as she seems to be our most picky eater to date (pray for us, hah!). She also cut here first tooth so Elise is really looking forward to nursing now!

Thanks again for all your continued support and prayers. Don't forget to visit our blog: wher you can find more pictures and all of our updates. We would not be able to accomplish what God has called us to do without your partnership. May God bless each one of you and remember to PRESS ON & INTO HIM!!!

His Servants

The Whitfields <><


Megs said...

That's our Tazi!!!

The Okrasinski's said...

Hey Whitfields! We just got your info from your Dad! Noelle wants to use you guys for her AWANA missionaries. It's been great to read what you are doing in Zambia. Noelle wanted to use you guys because here baby bro and sis are coming from Ethiopia - we are adopting 6 month old twins! We will be in country in the beginning of Dec. Feel free to check out our blog.

Mrs. O (Jeanne)