Friday, July 25, 2008

July Update

What a month July has been for us! We have had some trials but God has been so faithful as always. Thank you all for your prayers, love, notes of encouragement and support. We definitely can feel the prayers and love even though we are across the globe. My health is restored and I am feeling myself again. We have started the new school year (second grade and kindergarten) and are loving all the new books and curriculum for this year. All the details that need to be taken care of to get our vehicle fixed are coming together and we have been so blessed by all the help we have received from the company that hit us. They have called us, visited and looked at the car, brought us chocolates, and they are fully insured so they are able to pick up all the expenses for fixing the car. We are still trying to figure all the details out, but we are thankful that the driver that hit us worked (passed tense because he did get fired) at such a good company. We have gotten calls from the American Embassy saying that they can assist us if anything goes bad or wrong. We are so thankful for God’s provision. God provided for the kids and I, even at the accident site last Wednesday. Many people stopped to check on us and one lady stood with me and the kids and held Tazi while I got all the glass out of all our hair. A man came and checked on us, left and came back with a pizza for the kids to eat in the car. I told Macie that I thought he was an angel. She said, “How could you tell?” it was so cute. We never know, but all we do know is that God took a very bad situation and turned it around for good and His glory. Also, at the police station I was also able to talk with a woman who is a Jehovah’s Witness. It took a while for the report to be written up so we got to have a nice chat. You never know what God has in store in the good and rough times. I know that many of you also have felt his protection recently so let us all give Him the praise and glory for what he has done. Thank you for rejoicing with us.

Just a little update for you more specifically about the kids!!!!

Tazi turned five months this week and is just the most smiley little thing. She loves the kids and is definitely used to all the noise in the house. She sleeps better in the noise than in her quiet bed.!!! She is nice and fat, (as they say here) and is a very easy baby. We have been trying to get her to eat baby cereal and the basic foods but she won’t have anything to do with it. She makes the worst face and spits out everything. This is the longest I have exclusively breast fed any of the kids. We will see how it continues! We recently borrowed a walker and she loves sitting up and seeing everything. She is not yet sitting but I found her rolled over in the opposite position today when I left her for 2 seconds to get a diaper(she was on the couch)!!!! She has only fallen out of her bouncy seat once so that is great for my record with the other three kids!!! No injuries so far!!!!!

Payton loves his bow and arrow that Movety (our guard) made him yesterday. Don’t freak out, it is made from dull sticks nothing piercing or dangerous. He will be turning 4 the end of August and he is such a little boy. He loves doing Bible with us in the morning and has learned to sit still for longer periods of time. YEAH!!! He is great at memorizing the weekly scripture verses and often ends up singing them around the house. He just received some bath toys in the mail from Mimi and Papa in Hawaii and he finds any excuse during the day for needing to take a bath! He loves his littlest sister but is not so sure about holding her now that she is getting so big. But he is always the first to give Tazi her passie when she is crying!

Emma is just a little princess; always wanting lip gloss and her dress up shoes, even when she is playing in the dirt. She is doing great with her reading and off to a good start in Kindergarten. She is my perfectionist and is very slow and exact with her work. Emma loves ballet and can be seen dancing around the house or yard most of the time. She is shy when meeting people but warms up quite quickly. She has learned so much this past year in school and her and Macie love singing their continent and ocean songs together for our house helper. Emma’s favorite thing is picking out Tazi’s outfits, matching head bands and socks!

Macie is fun loving and a free spirit and reminds me so much of myself. She is always laughing and smiley. She catches on so fast in school and loves to read. She loves talking to other Zambians and makes friends really easy. She is very diligent in school and likes to get ahead in her math lessons. But she does not like practicing her flash cards!!! Sounds familiar?! Macie is a great diaper changer and loves being the big sis and entertaining Tazi. She also loves riding her bike and has recently turned it into a horse and rides it around the drive way! She is working hard on her reading chart to earn horse riding lessons!!

The kids teach us so much every day…especially patience!!!!! It is such a blessing doing school with them and I have gotten so much closer to them and am enjoying who they are becoming. Of course there are always days that are rough and some that are VERY rough but overall we are enjoying all the new changes Zambia has brought our way!!! We are all trying to learn the local language and getting is sloooowly. We love Zambia and really feel like it has become home to us. (home away from home) But we are ALL definitely looking forward to our four months in the states and visiting with all of you. Thank you again for all your love and prayers. We love you all and thank God for his provision in so many ways!!!!!

Much love and Blessings,

The Whitfields:

Elise &Luke

Macie, Emma, Payton & Tazi!!!

Ps. We have more specific dates now for our time in the Dallas area: Dec 26th through Feb 9th! We would love to get together with all of you if possible. Please e-mail us if there are certain dates that would work for you. I know the Holidays are busy so that is why we are letting you all know so early. Thanks!

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